从摄影师到创业者:对话摄影应用 Priime CEO

1702 字 · 1038 阅读 · 2015 年 05 月 13 日

前几天的 Priime 评测 我介绍这款别具一格的摄影 App,期间我有幸采访到 Priime 公司 CEO Arthur Chang 先生,谈到了关于 Priime 创立的初衷、发展方向等一系列问题,也提及了对 VSCO 和中国市场的看法,并透露了一些即将更新的内容。

Priime 是一款专注图片后期的摄影应用,与绝大多数同类应用一样,它提供了滤镜与参数调节功能,不同的是,Priime 的滤镜全部由专业摄影师创作,并根据不同情境设计不同风格的滤镜。在应用内,Priime 独有的「智能推荐滤镜」功能也颇有想法,一定程度上缓解了用户在大量滤镜中挨个选滤镜的窘境。

问:Priime 的创立初衷?

摄影师这个角色已经伴随了我大半生,生活中的朋友也都是这个行业的佼佼者。出于对这个群体的理解,以及对 iPhone 摄影的喜爱,我逐渐认识到这个领域有很多需要建设的东西。这时的我已经有过创业经历,恰好有几个喜欢摄影的好朋友也是创业者,所以我们觉得是时候创立 Priime 了。

摄影不应该局限于上传原片和评论,在照片分享之前有一系列的处理过程,但是所有我使用过的 App 都没有很好地展现这一点,这也是 Priime 的灵感来源。我们想要创造一个更有协作元素的照片编辑方式,邀请世界一流的摄影师设计滤镜,如果你是他们的关注者,想要拍出类似的风格的时候就可以用到。

为了用户可以得心应手地使用,Priime 的编辑工具是彻底重新开发的,因为之前我们试用过的工具不是不够好就是太复杂。在 Priime 当中,大家不需要在 Photoshop 或者 Lightroom 中的复杂操作,却仍然可以将照片处理得非常漂亮。

原回答:Reason for starting Priime: I have been a photographer for most of my life, and all my friends are amazing photographers. Understanding the community of photographers, and really loving photographing with iPhone, I realized there was a lot to be built that hadn't been done yet. Having founded startups in the past, and having incredible friends who also loved photography who were also startup founders, we decided it was time to build Priime. The idea came from the fact that there's so much more to photography than simply posting the resulting photo and commenting about them. Nothing really encompassed what happens before the shared photo in any apps I've used before. We wanted to create a more collaborative way to edit photos, especially for those who follow some of the world's best photographers who I know would love to create photo filters. We also wanted to re-engineer all the editing tools, as what we saw was never good enough, or was too complicated. We developed how our tools work from the ground up, so that users can't shoot themselves in the foot, yet still have the power to edit their photos beautifully without the need of the complexities of Photoshop or Lightroom.



原回答:There is a lot more work to be done with the styles and classifications for sure. This is just our first version, and there is a lot more to do. Our suggestions already show users the best styles to use, which let's them avoid tapping through every style. But we will have more groupings in our next version.

问:VSCO 目前是 App Store 一款非常出色的应用,你如何评价 VSCO ,关于 Priime 和 VSCO 你想说点什么?

VSCO 很不错,它是一款非常出色的模拟胶片应用。我们认为编辑照片不仅应该用来拉动人际交流,还要让世界各地那些真正懂得时尚走向的摄像师来创立新的风格,这是我们创立 Priime 的其中一个原因。我很自豪的说,我们(Priime)已经聚集了一帮最具有天赋的摄影师,他们受雇于一些有名气的大客户,并还在坚持不懈的完善和提高自己的水平。现代摄影技术将会继续前进,同时我们也想帮助那些无论水平好坏的摄影爱好者,来促进这个行业的发展。

原回答:VSCO is great. They have a fantastic product for their film emulation aesthetic. One reason why Priime was built was because we felt that photo editing should not only have more human connections, but also these styles should be trendy and built by the photographers of the world that are actually trailblazing what the next beautiful styles should be. I'm proud to say that we've already started with some of the most talented photographers out there, who are photographing for amazing clients and constantly evolving and improving their craft. This modern take on photography will continuously grow forward, and we want to be the ones to help the world progress as photographers no matter what their skill levels are.

问:Priime 将来的发展方向?目前应用尚未推出中文界面,是否有打算拓展中国市场?

Priime 未来有很多大的规划,但就现在来谈还为时尚早。我们已经翻译好了中文版本,正在进行最后的收尾工作。我们也正在寻找一些出色的中国摄影师合作,希望尽快推出更多相关的滤镜包。从一开始(接近一年前),我们就决定推出多国语言的版本,满足不同国家用户的需要。

原回答:The future of Priime is pretty big, but still too early to talk about just yet. And yes, we are almost done with a Chinese Language version of the app. It is already translated, and we're finalizing the finishing touches. We are also looking to work exclusively with some Chinese photographers to put out even more packs of styles soon. From the beginning (which was less than a year ago), we knew we would localize the language for many countries.


Priime 让普通用户也能用上专业摄影师创作设计的滤镜,可谓是目前众多滤镜 App 中的一枝独秀。我这一次通过邮件采访应用的创始人,是希望通过更多的方式给读者们分享 App 背后的故事,让各位离优秀的 App 更近一些。
